Quite an eccentric looking person and to top it all off he was just shy of six-foot-one, perhaps twenty-five years of age being visible on him. His tone was a harsh and authoritative one, fitting for someone in his position. “Right here in our capital lurks what is known as a ‘shapeshifter.’ We assume that it intends to reach the Scrye and your duty and mine is to find and stop it before it escapes the Ferego hotel.” None of us dared to disobey him or get on his notorious bad side. The Scrye, if you were unaware, was the entrance to Earth. An odd rift in time and space that had created a link between our worlds. There were many Scrye on Ares, and perhaps more on Earth, but cities tended to be built around them in order to make the implementation of Earthly technology a smoother process. “Your mission will be to observe the scene and track down the creature. I advise you all keep on your toes, as intel suggests it is very capable of taking different forms,” he continued, pacing up and down the polished marble below. “I will also warn you that the scene in question is quite disturbing, but I trust you are prepared to see such a thing.
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With that in mind, you are now free to operate within proper protocol limits. If you wish to speak with me, I will be having a chat with the owner of the Ferego.

We all raised an obedient salute and scattered after this. My hand immediately fell to my flintlock to calm my nerves. Not just an ordinary Anti-Cambria flintlock, but an exquisite work of Imperial craftsmanship. It was furnished a dull grey from polished Golenwood, and bore golden steel at the muzzle, trigger and hammer areas. The weapon fired silver ammunition, as opposed to the standard ice, fire, acid and regular shot of Regimental flintlocks. We were also issued brilliant sabres which bore a thin coating of silver above the steel. The handle of mine had a spiraling golden grip and rounded handguard. Both of these weapons were designed more to fell creatures as opposed to a fellow man, but we were also issued a selection of grenades and knives just in case we ran into some pesky humans on the way. In our missions, we most often utilized our knowledge of the Cambrian language to win the day. Enlisting in the BlackGuard meant going through extensive courses to learn the essential words, but they ended up being about as helpful as advertised. A burst of speed, a blast of fire, or a protective barrier were often far more useful than the pistol or sabre.

But even with all this in our arsenal, what we faced that night was far more terrifying and dangerous than we could ever have imagined. While most monsters were primal and animalistic, shapeshifters were one of the most intelligent… And deadly. People soon began making their way out the automatic doors at the entrance.